I work and have worked together with a number of strong, active and really committed partners, without which I would not have reached even close to where I am today. Some of us have even partnered already for a decade or two! I am truly grateful, proud and happy for that cooperation. Please find some of my dear partners below. My door is always open to all positive-thinking organisations, corporations and individuals, wanting to discuss new exciting opportunities ahead. Who knows, maybe our roads lead in the same direction, or better yet, to the same place?
Wild Wonders of China
Wild Nature Photo Adventures
Wild Wonders of Europe
Rewilding Europe
Wild Wonders Foundation
Ekoturismföreningen www.ekoturism.org
Nature Picture Library www.naturepl.com
iLCP www.ilcp.com
Corbis images www.corbisimages.com
Nature’s best www.naturesbestsweden.com
WWF Sverige www.wwf.se
Bokförlaget Max Ström www.maxstrom.se
Cotton Carrier www.cottoncarrier.com
Norstedts www.norstedts.se
Lestra www.lestra.com