Staffans image of an Iberian lynx with a caught rabbit is the winner of the Rewilding Europe Award in GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 photo competition.
Staffans image of an Iberian lynx with a caught rabbit is the winner of the Rewilding Europe Award in GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024 photo competition.
Staffans close up image of a Spoonbill stork was Highly Commended in the María Luisa Memorial Photo contest 2023.
For a year now, the photo exhibition ”Born to be Wild” has been touring a number of the large cities around China, most recently Kunming and Beijing and now in Shanghai. The show contains four solo exhibitions Staffans Nordic Light images and the others by Mogens Trolle, Audun Rikardsen and Xi Zhinong. ”My part features 15 colourful images from the Nordic countries, called ”Nordic Light”. The exhibitions shine a light on the beauty of nature and the importance of loving and taking care of it.” says Staffan. This project has come about as a collaboration between the embassies of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway in China.
Join Staffan at Goeckers in Stockholm city on June 15 at 15.00 and 18.00 where he will be showing his wildlife images from around the world photographed with his Sony gear. Please pre-register at Goecker See you there!
Staffans close up image of a Black stork received an honerable mention in the María Luisa Memorial Photo contest 2022.
A recording of a live webinar from 22 February 2022 with Staffan sharing his experiences being a Sony Imaging Ambassador. Learn more about cameras and lenses in Sony’s mirrorless system, get tips and advice on photography and be inspired by fantastic nature photos.
”It is an honour for me to announce that two of my images were awarded in one of the world’s most creative nature photo competitions – the Indian ”Nature inFocus Photography Contest 2021” says Staffan. The image of the African savannah elephant hiding behind a bush was awarded in the Animals portrait category and the image of a fisherman displaying his fresh harvest of shark fins.
Staffan Widstrand and Magnus Lundgrens book ”Papua – bland paradisfåglar och djävulsrockor” is awarded Panda book of the year 2022 by WWF Sweden. To quote the WWF jury, the book is ”nature photography elevated to art” . The photographers and authors Magnus Lundgren and Staffan Widstrand take the reader on a visually captivating and fascinating journey of discovery, through West Papua’s unique tropical wilderness.
Invited by the Russian Federation of Nature Photographers and the competition Golden Turtle in Moscow Staffan held a presentation on Youtube showing ”Wild Wonders of Scandinavia”. ”Great fun, thanks guys!” says Staffan.
Staffan is now a Sony Imaging Ambassador! Why did you change from Nikon? ”Nikon gear has done me well for 38 years of photography. Now I found out that Sony gear could do all that the Nikon gear did, plus it can do a few more important things for me and it does it better. Auto focus, frames per second and above all AF for videos, Sony video is wonderful!” says Staffan.
Staffans iconic image of the Pallas cat from Qinghai, China was the exhibition gallery winner in December in Wild Planet Photo Magazine https://wildplanetphotomagazine.com/event/exhibition-gallery/
Staffan is featured on Szeroki Kadr, a Polish Photography Online Community with tutorials, technical information and inspiration.
Staffans image of a Griffon vulture in motion has been commended in the Creative imagery category of the photo competition Bird Photographer of the Year 2019.
Staffan was invited to ”Naturfotodagarna” in Västerås, Sweden, as a keynote presenter on Saturday February 16, 2019. In relation to the event there was a big feature with Staffan and his images in the local newspaper Vestmanlands Läns tidning. Staffans images were also part of the exhibition at the event and could also be seen in the Nikon and Wild Nature Photo adventures booths. The event was well organized by Camera Natura and Staffan says ”Thanks Conny Jonsson and your team, it was great fun!”
Join Staffan and Wild Nature Photo Adventures to a Golden eagle hide in a cold winter wonderland in Vasterbotten, Sweden earlier this year. The film is made by David Elmfeldt, Fotosidan.
Staffans images of the Chinese Milu deer (Père David’s deer) are part of a big story in the Chinese edition of National Geographic Magazine, including its cover image! ”Proud. Yet another result from Wild Wonders of China!” says Staffan. Please visit www.wildwondersofchina.com
Staffans image of African Savannah Elephant, Loxodonta africana, camouflaging itself behind a too small bush in Marataba Private Reserve, Marakele National Park, Limpopo, South Africa has been published in several British newspapers. On January 29 it could be seen in The Times, The Daily Mail, The Daily Star and The Sun. Please view the In Press page to see it in detail.
Wild Nature Photo Adventures organized a nature photography day together with Fotosidan at Fotografiska in Stockholm on October 6, 2018. The day was packed with workshops and inspirational talks by photographers some of which can be viewed on UR Play as they were filmed by Swedish national television. Staffan talks about the Wild Wonders of China in his talk (in Swedish).
Three Wild Wonders of China images are among the top 20 finalists in the Chinese Golden Porpoise photo competition. The images photographed by Magnus Lundgren and Staffan Widstrand are on show here at the United Nations biodiversity conference held in Sharm El Sheikh Egypt 13-29 November.
A new gallery Wuhan, East Lake, China is now up on show with images from the newly created “East Lake Greenway” in Wuhan, a vast, new, modern city park with some 70 km of biking trails, jogging trails and a great lake that for every year now has cleaner water. An amazing change from earlier decades of poor water quality because of sewage and industrial waste in this city of 13 million people. Through major effort and investment, a major achievement for environmental and peoples health.
All photos are by Staffan Widstrand/Wild Wonders of China on assignment for Yangtze Daily, with valuable help and expertise from local experts and the wonderful visual artist Yuan Minghui, one of China’s internationally most frequently prize-winning nature photographers.
All images with Nikon D850 and a bunch of different Nikkor lenses
Staffans image of a brown bear amongst dandelions is on the cover of Swedish WWF Eko magazine. Two more of his bear images can be found inside the magazine illustrating the article about forests.